Wednesday, 2 January 2013


Dear RDB readers,

He was a liar from the day I met him.

After we got married, he would be deceptive about small things; who he was on the phone with (other women), videotaping girls arses at the store, befriending/talking to people that liked him on FB, his whereabouts, and etc. He hung out at the club on most weekends and my friends/family said don’t nag, let him have fun. So, I did.

He once had an affair and caught something. My reaction was no reaction. I was numb, completely devastated and months later found out I was pregnant. Fast forward several years and I’m 125lbs smaller, we now have two kids and I’m done! I got tired of being ignored, disrespected, mistreated, unappreciated, lied too, and etc.

 Problem #1: I’m done and want out but now he wants our marriage to work. Now I’m the most important person in his life (yawn). He begs me to stay for our family. We haven’t had sex in months. We sleep in separate bedrooms and I could care less!

Problem #2: I felt so alone, so sad about my life/myself, then about two years ago I met a man and am in love with him and care about him a great deal. We have a friendship and sexual relationship. He has a girlfriend and says that he is only with her for “loyalty” reasons. I already know this is code word for he is never leaving her. Ever. But, mentally, emotionally, physically we connect. Some days things get so low and he is my only reason to smile. I want to walk away. He says he cares for me deeply but is not in love with me. I am very depressed. I tried counseling but don’t know what to do.

This is not how I was raised and I know it is not right but then what? It’s hard to know you are someone’s side piece and that is all you will ever be. I know I deserve better. Please help! How do I walk away? For those that will reply, be kind, and know that I am a good person who has tried to find light in a very sad situation. I cry almost every day. 

Ms. Bleeding Heart


  1. as i read this, i felt i was reading my own story. this is exactly wat happened to me. but u see, for d sake of 2 boys, i had to return to my marriage at d expense of d love i found. d relationship i got into was so sweet. i have never been loved like the guy loves me and he still loves me and has proposed to marry me. i had to consider d future of my boys. I gave up that love for them and i am hoping my husband has changed for the best. you can do same my dear..

  2. as i read this, i felt i was reading my own story. this is exactly wat happened to me. but u see, for d sake of my 2 boys, i had to return to my marriage at d expense of d love i found. d relationship i got into was so sweet. i have never been loved like the guy loves me and he still loves me and has proposed to marry me. i had to consider d future of my boys. I gave up that love for them and i am hoping my husband has changed for the best. you can do same my dear..

  3. I don't agree with anon 6.42. Don't stay in a marriage just because of your kids. You have your life to live and they will get a chance to live theirs too. Trust me, you will look back years from now wishing you had left and it will be too late by then 'cos you'll be old and miserable. Marriage is not to be endured but enjoyed!

  4. You're a cheat too jor. stop pointing fingers when you're doing the same. Hypocrite!
