Tuesday, 30 July 2013


A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon an article talking about how to make use of what you have around the house to make facial scrub and mask for that instant facial glow. I decided to try two of them and the results were 'fantastical', hehe. Seriously, just try it. It doesn't cost much but you'll get that instant smooth, fresh-looking face.

For the home made mask, you'll need a banana, lemon (not lime o) and tin milk (I like to use Peak but you can use any one). 

Preparation and application; Mash or blend the banana together with the milk, add a few drops of lemon and your facial mask is ready. Spread over your face and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel, in oga at the top's voice, that's all.

Continue to see the how to make the facial scrub...

Ingredients; Honey and brown sugar.

Preparation and application; mix a little honey and brown sugar, spread over your face and scrub gently, 'cos the sugar is quite coarse and you don't want to peel your skin off! Do this for a few minutes and rinse off with warm water. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Ladies (and gents) try these and do share the results. Love ya!

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