Monday, 1 October 2012


I stumbled upon this debate recently and it seems women believe that men have easier life than women because they don't have to stand as much pain as women do. I totally agree. With the stress of carrying a pregnancy to term, including the nausea and sickness and risks that comes with it to the pain during labor. Also not forgetting the monthly pain, the stress of dealing with everyday problems in  the home, (while the men come back from work and sit in font of the t.v, eat warm dinner and go to bedt), men don't have to endure the pain of making their hair, or make up or.... I can go on and on and on.

There is nothing men do that women don't do, and even more.

Sorry jare, let me allow you guys speak your mind too. Do you believe men have it easier in life than women. Oya, over to the men, defend yourselves.


  1. Yes, men definitely have it easier in life than women. we cook, help the children with homework, pain during pregnancy and childbirth, pain while having sex(sometimes), pain while making our hair. Women are built to withstand more pain than men.

  2. Yeah i think Men have an easier life when it comes to the physical things... but trust me the thought and worrying over putting food on the table, security of the family, keeping body and soul together while remaining SANE is quite tasking!!!! so in conclusion, it could be equal.. Happy Anniversary Nigeria.

  3. In addition to the physical pains, women go through the same emotions everyday. so, it's not equal, men have it easier.

  4. u sayin one has an easier life z jus based on ur biase which might not b justified tru dialogue or som form of argument cos both put in a lot of effort to being what d r so neither being a man nor a woman is easy
