Monday, 1 October 2012


A devastated father, Tian Xueming, from China, has kept his 18-year-old son's dead body in a chest freezer for the last six years because it makes him feel he has never left and he can't bear to be parted from his dead son. 

The 18 year-old boy,  Qinyuan, died of leukemia six years ago. The father has refused all requests to move son Qinyuan's body to a family tomb. He said, 'when my wife and I want to talk to him we can just pull up some chairs, lift the lid and chat to him as if he had never been taken from us.' He said Qinyuan was the only thing keeping them going after the death of their first child, a girl who died when she was 15.

The 54-year-old carpenter set up a series of back-up electricity generators to keep the freezer running during the district's frequent power cuts.

They visits their son regularly and says it helps them deal with problems. He said, 'My son would be 24-years-old now - he would be at college and enjoying the prime of his life.
'I just cannot bear the though that I would never see him again. 'One day the time will come when his mother and I can no longer look after him and we will then give him a proper burial, but now is not the time.
'When the time is right we will give him the most dignified burial and have a celebration of his life, and invite everyone to pay there respects to him. But later.'

How sad. If the 'one child' policy in China didn't exist, they might have had other kids to help them cope with the loss.

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